It is 7:10 a.m. and I already feel behind. It is probably more of a feeling than a reality, but it isn't fun. To get past this, I recite what Dory from the Disney movie Nemo would say, "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming."
I get dressed, straighten things up (fairly superficially), check e-mail, move laundry... These are all activities that help me push the reset button on my home and gradually restore that illusory sensation of "being in control." Now it is off to exercise.
When life (or clutter) overwhelms, I find it helpful to "just keep swimming." I try to move myself forward. What do you do to move past being overwhelmed?
Learn to clear clutter and improve home organizing to free up time for your priorities. Breast cancer and melanoma survivor also offers coping help to cancer survivors and their family and friends.
Breast cancer survivor and clutter clearing author learns to walk her talk
Clutter clearing cancer coping author and motivational speaker We can learn to live our priorities fully (and not just surviving or getting by on a day to day basis) by clearing out the distractions and focusing on what is important to each of us, our families, and our lives. Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools: We'll get you through this by Barbara Tako, two-time cancer survivor and published author and motivational speaker on the topic of clutter clearing. For updates on this new book, click here.