Breast cancer survivor and clutter clearing author learns to walk her talk

Clutter clearing cancer coping author and motivational speaker We can learn to live our priorities fully (and not just surviving or getting by on a day to day basis) by clearing out the distractions and focusing on what is important to each of us, our families, and our lives. Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools: We'll get you through this by Barbara Tako, two-time cancer survivor and published author and motivational speaker on the topic of clutter clearing. For updates on this new book, click here.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A dusting solution that wasn't as "simple" as it looked!

I found an idea at to dust flat lampshades with a lint roller. I have dogs, so by definition, I have lint rollers. Many lint rollers. Lots of lint rollers scattered throughout my home. This lint roller lamp dusting concept seemed like a good idea to me.

At 6:00 a.m. this morning, I tried it. Yes! I had just showered and dressed, and, you guessed it, grabbed the lint roller in the bedroom to get the dog hair off my jeans...I started working on the four-sided square shade with the roller. It appeared to be working! Unfortunately, the shade was turning in place as I was working on it, so I grabbed the finial and instead of tightening (okay, I am a lefty and I probably turned it the wrong way), it came off in my hand.

Next, I dropped the heavy metal lamp finial. On its way down, it broke the lamp's light bulb. Now I was standing barefoot in my darkened bedroom at 6:00 a.m. with electricity in a broken lightbulb and broken glass to clean up.

Of course, I "survived." I unplugged the lamp, cleaned up the glass...The whole incident just put a bit of a damper on the little dusting tip I had discovered.

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