Breast cancer survivor and clutter clearing author learns to walk her talk

Clutter clearing cancer coping author and motivational speaker We can learn to live our priorities fully (and not just surviving or getting by on a day to day basis) by clearing out the distractions and focusing on what is important to each of us, our families, and our lives. Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools: We'll get you through this by Barbara Tako, two-time cancer survivor and published author and motivational speaker on the topic of clutter clearing. For updates on this new book, click here.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Three frugal simple ways to get organized for back to school

Is fall is approaching faster than you would like? Before you know it, the kids will be heading back to school. The economy is tight. Being careful with money is important, and it is important to be organized so that you can free up time and energy for your priorities. Here are some simple, frugal ideas to be ready.

Make your school clothing shopping lists while you weed out and organize the closets. If you are standing in front of the closets sorting, counting, weeding out, and organizing, you will have a much better idea of what you really need to purchase. Count the jeans, tops, socks, and underwear. Identify any wardrobe "gaps" like a dress top to go with the dress slacks that are already there. You will save money by only purchasing what you need, instead of guessing once you get to the store.

Apply this same practice to school supplies. "Shop" first at home for leftover and extra binders, paper, glue, folders, book covers, and more. You may be surprised how much you can cross off your school supply shopping list before you get to the store.

Have a family meeting before school starts. Discuss the reality of limited resources and limited time. Help your children identify their priority activities. Work with them to choose one or two per student. This will prevent overspending and overbooking, and the entire family will be on board with the goal of creating a less stressful home life this fall.


Anonymous said...

I could never understand why some people feel the need to buy all new clothing and school supplies every fall. Of course, kids outgrow their clothes and things get worn out or used up, but not everything needs to be replaced! Great tips here, and easy to implement.

BarbaraTako said...

Thanks, Janet! I agree. I often revive "used" backpacks, pencil cases, and clothing with careful cleanup and washing. Sometimes things aren't so much "worn out" as just a little "dirty."