Breast cancer survivor and clutter clearing author learns to walk her talk

Clutter clearing cancer coping author and motivational speaker We can learn to live our priorities fully (and not just surviving or getting by on a day to day basis) by clearing out the distractions and focusing on what is important to each of us, our families, and our lives. Cancer Survivorship Coping Tools: We'll get you through this by Barbara Tako, two-time cancer survivor and published author and motivational speaker on the topic of clutter clearing. For updates on this new book, click here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thank you for helping "Clutter Clearing Choices" book along

Wow. Yesterday was a very exciting day for this new clutter clearing author. And, I owe it all to you. Here's what happened: Clutter Clearing Choice's  rank on Amazon went from 750,000 (down near the bottom) up to 52,000 (a very good spot much higher up). Thank you! Each and ever order and review counts.

I also got to appear in the second half of a show on Blog Talk Radio! Here is the link:

Original Air Date: 12/9/2009 12:00 PM
The Longevity Club Radio Show Adriane Berg' Longevity Club Radio Show--Guests: Jerry Rhoads, Elder Abuse; Barbara Tako, Clutter Clearing Choices

Let me know what you think. And, again, thank you!

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